Friday 30 November 2018

Fala Ya Qalbu ● So oh heart don't grieve

Title: fala ya qalbu la tahzan فلا يا قلب لا تحزن
Munshid: ?
Composition: Salih Al-Amri صالح العمري
Year: 2010

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Lyrics and Translation

فلا يا قلب لا تحزن.....على صحب فقدناهم
So oh heart don't grieve about friends we have lost

على صحب لهم جرح....عميق ما ذكرناهم
About friends with deep wounds that we haven't mentioned

عشقناهم صغار الحي......ما احلا محياهم
We longed for them, the small of the street, how beautiful is their life

و كم نشتاقهم والعيد... يأتينا بذكراهم
How much do we miss them and the Eid comes with their memories

و كم دارت بنا الاقدار....رمتنا خلف مرماهم
How much has fate spun us around, throwing us behind them

وانستنا نهار العيد....و كاد القلب ينساهم
Making us forget the day of Eid, as if the heart had almost forgotten them

احبتنا و كم جرحوا.... وليل البعد اعياهم
Our loved ones and how often they were wounded, and the distant night exhausted them

و كم حملت لنا الايام.....احلاها و احلاهـم
How much did the days carry us, the most beautiful of the [days] and them (friends)

و جائت و العيون السود.....تغازلهم و تهواه
She came and the black eyes were flirting with them and fancying

تقبل اخوة في الدرب....مضوا والدرب ناداهم
Kissing brothers of the path, they set out when the path called them

و نمشي و الهوى يمشـي....و لا لقياك لقياهم
We walk and the wind walks, and their company is not yours

حملنا حبنا غظا....و في ألمٍ حملناهم
We bore our love in anger, and in pain we bore them

على الاكتاف و الفرسان.....قد انت مناياهم
Upon the shoulders and the knights had met their death

سنتركهم هنا و اللحد..... يمهد دار سكناهم
We shall leave them here and loneliness paves their new home

و نهمس همس مهموم ..... ونبكي صمت نجواهم
And whisper a troubled whisper, and cry the silence of their secret counsel

و اهات الهوى فـينا......تردد من حكاياهم
The perished moans repeat to us their tales

وازهار على الجدران.... ملونة رسمناهم
And the flowers on the walls, painted in colours

و اشعار و اهات.....و نخل كان يهواهم
Signs and moans and a palm tree that was their inspiration

و ماء النهر مجروح..... بهم يشتاق سقياهم
The river's water is wounded, longing to provide them to drink

اتى و الشوق يدفعه... يقطر من مراياهم
He arrived and his longing drives him, dripping from their mirrors

ودرب كنت اسلكه.... يسائل ليس ينساهم
A path I had traversed, he does not forget them

حملنا القلب و الذكرى.....وفي شوق دفناهم
We bore the heart and the memory, and with longing we buried them

و ارض مثلما الاطفال....تحملهم و ترعاهم
And the earth just like children carries them and protects them

تربيهم مع الازهار..... و تفرط حين تلقاهم
Nourishing them with the flowers and perishes when it throws them out

و تقرأ سورة الاسراء... اذا اسروا لمولاهم
And recites Surat Al-Isra when they depart by night to their Lord

وان صالوا و ان جالوا.... و ان قالوا سمعناهم
And if they assault and if they wander, and if they say "we have heard them"

احبتنا و كم في القلب..... من شوق تعداهم
Our loved ones, how much longing is in my heart counted for them

اشد القلب من الم .....و قلبي ظل يهواهم
I firm my heart from the pain, but my heart continues to love them

فيتركني و يهجرني.... و يرعى قرب مرعاهم
So leave me and graze near their pasture

و نسلتنا التي شابت....و كم قصت حكاياهم
And our family tree that went grey, and how much did it tell their tales

يذكرها طلوع الفجر.... حين الفجر ناداهم
The break of dawn reminds it of when the dawn called them

فتسأل نجمة في الدار.....و نور كان يغشاهم
So it asks a star in the house and a light that covered them

و نمسح دمعها و القلب.... يجهش عند ذكراهم
And we wipe its tears and the heart sobs at their remembrance

By I.P Translations [slightly modified]

Friday 2 November 2018

Tariq Jabir (Abu Ziyad)

Tariq Jabir, also known as Abu Ziyad Al-Misri. A munshid from Egypt. Many of his nasheeds are known by their remakes.

He fought in the Afghanistan War on the side of the Mujaheddin against the Soviet occupation forces.


  • Hayya ala'l jihad

  • Al-Fatinah

  • Ya Abida'l Haramayn

  • Asiru'l Khataya

  • Fidake Ya Rasulallah

  • Kalimatu Haqq

  • Nahnu Jundullah

  • Ahazīj Qudsiyya

  • Al-Fājiʿah

  • Jurhu'l Karamah

  • Ushshaqu'l Jinan

  • Rahmah



Ya Shababan ● Oh Youth

Title: ya shababan يا شبابا
Munshid: Unknown

Lyrics and Translation

يا شـــباب قد انـــاب
والى الله استجاب

Oh youth who has turned repentantly [to the religion]
and responded to Allah

ان من يرجو ثوابــا
لا يباالي بالصعاب

Indeed one who hopes for reward
does not pay attention to difficulties

في سبيل الله نمضي
نبتغي رفع اللواء

We walk on the way of Allah,
desiring to raise the banner

فـَـلْـيَعُد لِـلـدّينِ مَـجدٌ
ولْـيَعُد لِلـدينِ عِـزٌ

Then, glory shall return to the religion
And so shall honour return to the religion

مِــــــــــــنّـــــــا الـــــــدِّمــــــاء

And so shall our blood pour out [on this path]

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