Friday 26 October 2018

Most Powerful Nasheed Lines

Order is of no relevance.

1) Humul Fursan / They are the knights

َو قد تبعِوا النبيّ و خَيرَ صَـحبٍ. لَهُ و الفاتِحينَ و مَــن أنــــاب
They followed the Prophet and his best companions
And [Muslim] conquerors and those who followed [their path]

َو ما تَبِعوا الهَوانَ و لا هَواهُـــم. ولا ركِـــبوا المَفاتـنَ و السَّراب
They have not followed their desires nor accepted the low life of surrender
They have not followed the false joy nor mirage

2) Himamun / Ambitions

من لم ينل بالسيفِ نصراً يُرتجي لا لن ينله ُمذلة ًوسؤالا
Who cannot achieve the desired victory with sword
he cannot achieve it in servility and through begging

3) Himamun / Ambitions

ان لم نكن نحن الذين سنلتقي فلسوف يحي جيلنا الاجيالا
If it is not us who are going to achieve victory,
our generation will wake the next generations up

4)  Ummati Hal Laki / My nation...

ِأمتي كم صنم مجّدتِه *** لم يكن يحمل طهرَ الصنم
My nation, how many idols did you glorify,
which in reality did not carry the purity of an idol

5) Ummati Hal Laki / My nation...

ما عرفت البخل بالروح إذا *** طلبتها غصص المجد الظمي
You did not know any avarice towards the soul when
the incomplete parts of the subtle glory demanded it

6) Farewell Dialogue / Hiwarul Wada'

قالت ستقتل لا محالة يا بني أعد النظر
فأجبتها قتلي، حياة عقيدتي، قتلي الظفر
She said you will undoubtedly be killed, oh son, reconsider your choice
So I replied to her, my death, is the life (survival) of my creed, my death is the victory

7) Haqqal Jihad / Jihad has become due

ُحقّ الجهادُ فليس عنه خيار
ُوغلت مراجل ما لهنُّ قرار
Jihad has become due, there is no way out from it
ِAnd pots have bubbled up, they don’t come to stop

8) What is the road? / Kayfas Sabil

شربوا دمائي من عروقي نخب سلمهم الذليل … رسموا طريق القدس من صنعاء حتى الدردنيل
They drunk my blood from my veins as to their despised peace.
They painted the path to Al Aqsa from Sanaa to Al Dardaneel.

مرمى الحصى عنكم أريحا لا تدور الف ميل … فلمست قلب محدثي وهتفت من قلب عليل
The place to throw pebbles at, Ariha (Jericho) is not thousand miles away.
I sought the heart of my spokesman, calling out from a gentle heart.

9) Dhaqu / They tasted

سَلّوا الكَرامَةَ في لِقاءِ عَدُوِّهِمُ
والى الجِنان حَدَتهم الأشواقُ
فالأرضُ سِجنٌ والسَّماءُ كَرامَةٌ
ولِأرضِهم بِدِمائهم ميثاقُ

They unsheathed Dignity in meeting their enemies
And towards the paradises urged them the desires
For, earth is a prison and heaven is honour
And with their soil they have a blood contract

10) My call has become hoarse / Buhha Nida'i

ارفـع علماً أمسـك قلمـاً نافـح عن شعبي بقرار
داوِ مريضاً ، آوِ يتيماً أخرج ألافَ الأفكار
خـطّ بياناً كُـن حسـانـاً نَبلُ لسـانك كالبتـــار
تظهرُ حقاً تفضح زيفاً تدفع عن أمتنا العار
حقق خبراً اُنشر صُوراً تحكي عن جرمٍ ودمار
أهل الباطل قذفوا حِمماً لم يرعَوا عهداً وجِوار
إجمع مـالاً أو أرتـالاً مـِنْ زادٍ يغني ودثـار
فكّ أسيراً بات كسيراً قد عانى خلف الأسوار
قاطع صنع عدوٍّ باغٍ عـبَد الـدرهم والدينار
عـلّـم طفـلك أن إبـائي عـزٌّ للأمـة وفَخــــار
أبشر فجراً لاح قريبا نصراً يشرق كالأنوار
غزةُ يافا ، قدسٌ حيفا سوف تعود إلينا الدار

Hoist a flag, hold a pen, defend my people with determination
Remedy an ill or an orphan, bring thousands of ideas forth
Draw up a statement, be excellent; the arrow of your tongue is like a sharp sword
Reveal the truth, disguise the falsehood and chase the disgrace off our nation
Verify a truth, post a photograph which relates crime and destruction
The people of falsehood launched heat, did not regard any treaty or neighborhood
Collect money or convoys of delivery that satisfy and blankets
Free a prisoner that has been fatigued and has suffered behind walls
Break the manufacture of a transgressor enemy; the worshipers of money
Teach your child that my resistance is an honor to the ummah and pride
Give glad tidings of a dawn, which has appeared soon, a victory rising like beams
Gaza, Yafa, Quds and Hayfa – the homeland will return to us

11) La Tabrahu / Don't descend from the mountain of archers

إمَّا الهَلاكُ أوِ النَّجاةْ
فَمَعًا لإرغامِ العُداةْ

‏مِنَّا الدِّماءُ ومنكُمُ
دَمعُ التَّضَرُّعِ في الصَّلاةْ

ولنا الحروبُ وبَأْسُها
ولكُمْ مُناصَرَةُ الأُباةْ

أنتُمْ حُماةُ ظهورِنا
‏لا تَبْرَحُوا جَبَلَ الرُّماةْ

Either we perish together, or succeed in compelling the enemies
From us the blood and from you the tears of humbleness in prayer
Upon us the wars and their harshness, and upon you supporting the resistant
You are the guards of our backs, don’t descend from the mountain of archers!


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