Friday 28 December 2018

Waddili Salami

Title: waddi-li salami ودي لي سلامي
Munshid: various

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وديلي سلامي .. يا رايح للحرم
وادعيلي وسلملي .. على هادي الأمم
انظر للكعبة يا محلاها .. نور وجلالاً يغشاها
يحرسها ربي ويرعاها .. اذكرني أمامها وادعيلي

Present my greetings,
oh pilgrim to the Sacred Mosque.

Pray for me, and present my greetings
to the Guider of Nations

Look to the Kaaba, oh... is there anything more pleasant
Light and magnanimity surround it

It is guarded and looked after by my Lord
Remember me in front of it, and pray for me


يا ساعي بهمة من الصفا للمروة
يا شارب من زمزم .. اتذكرني بدعوة
يا طالع على جبل الرحمة .. يا ماشي في وسط الزحمة
اطلب من مولاك الرحمة .. واسأله الرضا وادعيلي

And pray for me!

Oh one who struggles with ambition
from As-Safa to Al-Marwa

Oh one who drinks from Zamzam
remember me with a small prayer

Oh one who sets on to the Mountain of Mercy (Jabal ar-Rahmah)
oh who walks at the midst of crowds

Demand mercy from your Lord
and ask him for His pleasure, and pray for me


هنيئاً هنيئاً .. يا رايح للهادي
حب النبى محمد .. ملي كل فؤادي
ادخل من باب السلام .. بتأدبٍ واحترام ٍ
صلى على طه اماماً .. سلم على الهادى وادعيلي

And pray for me!

How fortunate! How fortunate!
Oh pilgrim to the Guider

Love of the Prophet Mohammed
fills the whole of my heart

Enter from the gate of peace
in good manner and with respect

Pray upon Taha* as a leader
Greet the Guider and pray for me


* Taha: Prophet Muhammad.

1 comment:

Ey Anacan Ağlama

Ey enecan ağlama gitsem sengere sari şul yoldan başka yollar bulmaz derdime deri Merdi pur hüner bulin münhedimi şer bulin Vakian ümmet be...