Friday 18 January 2019

Qadimun ● Coming...

Title: qadimun قادمٌ
Munshid: Abu Hajar Al-Hadrami & Abu Faris
Year: 2015

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Lyrics and Translation

قادم... يجر الهتوف
وتلمع في ثناياه البواتر
قادم... وهُتاف المجد يَحدوه
لِيتفَيَّأ وَريفَ ظِلال المَخاطِر

"It is coming"... the calls keep exclaiming
And swords shine in their bosoms
It is coming... and the clamour of glory sings after it
So that it may alter the long shadows of dangers

قادِمٌ جَيشي إلَيكم *** يقذف الرُّعبَ عَلَيكُم
نحن يا جند الاعادي *** قَدَرُ الجَبّارُ فيكُم
ان دَعى الداعِ اتينا *** المَنايا في يَدَينا
نَردَع الكفر بِبأسٍ *** ان طَغى يَوماً عَلينا

My army is coming to you * lancing fear upon you
We are...oh army of enemies! * the destiny of the Almighty for you
We come when the caller calls * the (dignified) deaths are in our hands
We repel disbelief with boldness * when it one day tyrannises over us

*نقتدي بأبي دجانة  *** من تورثنا سنانه
وتَبخَتَرنا اختِيالا *** وَتَعَلَّمنا طِعانَه

We take Abu Dujanah as an example * of whom we have inherited his sword
And we have strutted in pride * and learned his strokes

زاحفونَ لِلمَعالي *** صامِدون كَالجِبال
في سَبيل الله سِرنا *** بِالأعادي لا نُبالي

Marching towards the heights * Staying firm like the mountains
We have walked in the way of Allah * we do not incline before the enemies

زمجري يا مدفعية *** وازأري يا بندقية
يا رياح النصر هبي *** وامحقي الأعداء هيا

Snarl oh artillery! * Roar oh infantry!
Oh winds of victory, blow! * And exterminate the enemies, come on!

زَلزِلي الله أكبر *** عَرشَ كِسري عَرش قَيصَر
وَادحَري كُلَّ كَفورٍ *** قَد تَعَدَّ قَد تَجَبَّر

Tremble... Allah is the Greatest!... * the throne of Chosroew¹, the thrown of the emperor!
And drive away every blatant disbeliever * who has infringed [upon us] and tyrannised

¹ Choesrew II., the Persian emperor contemporary to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). He had intended to captivate the prophet, yet was killed one day after by his son. Those tasked with the imprisonment of Allah's messenger embraced Islam. The title "Kisra" which is derived from his name is metaphorically employed in Arabic for a tyrannical ruler; alluding that his end will always be like that of Chosroew II.

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