Thursday 29 August 2019

Our Path is Long

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دربنا درب طويل فشدوا الرحال
Our road is a long one so let's set out
darabana darab tawil fashuduu alrihal

نحن رفعنا أخي راية الخير عال
We have raised up high - oh brother - the banner of good
nahn rafaena 'akhi rayat alkhayr eal

هبوا يا رجال
Get moving men
habuu ya rijal

ليلنا قد طال
Our night could be long
laylana qad tal

هيا هيا
Come on, come on
hayaa hayaa

نمضي للنضال
Let us go to battle
namdi lilnadal

تزكية النفس غاية لكل الرجال
Self-purification is the goal of all men
tazkiat alnafs ghayatan likuli alrijal

صرحنا يعلو جدارا في كل مجال
Our fortification's walls tower over everywhere
sarahna yaelu jidaranaan fi kl majal

هبوا يا رجال
Get moving men
hubbuu ya rijal

ليلنا قد طال
Our night could be long
layluna qad tal

هيا هيا
Come on, come on
hayaa hayaa

نمضي للنضال
Let us go to battle
namdi linnidaal

ثباتا أخي فصبرا سنلقى المحال
Steadfast oh brother with patience we will set forth on the positions
thabata 'akhi fasubira sanalqaa almihal

إنا رجالا نخوض دروب النزال
We are men embarking boldly on roads towards battle
'iinaa rijalana nakhud durub alnazal

هبوا يارجال
Get moving men
habuu yarjal

ليلنا قد طال
Our night could be long
laylana qad tal

هيا هيا
Come on, come on
hayyaa hayyaa

نمضي للنضال
Let us go to battle
namdi lilnadal

مددت كفي إليك أخي الوصال
I have extended my hand out to you oh brother in union
madadat kafi 'iilayk 'akhi alwisal

فجدد العزم بادر بحلو الخصال
So renew the resolve and go forth with good disposition
fajadad aleazm badir bihlw alkhisal

هبوا يا رجال
Get moving men
habuu ya rijal

ليلنا قد طال
Our night could be long
laylana qad tal

هيا هيا
Come on, come on
hayaa hayaa

نمضي للنضال
Let us go to battle
namdi lilnadal

By @Qhuraba

1 comment:

  1. Great!!!!
    Can you do Min Jaziratna/Millatu Ibrahim by Abu Hajar al-Hadrami, please????


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