Wednesday 22 April 2020

Say to the aggressor who insulted

Title: Qul Li-Baghin / قل لباغٍ نال منه (Say to the aggressor who insulted)
Munshid: Abu Ali  أبو علي موسي العميرة 

[archiveorg id=Nasheed_with_English_translation_66/Khuleba.mp4 width=616 height=347]

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Lyrics and Translation

قل لباغٍ نال منه .. مُشرعاً فينا مُداه
qul li-baghin nala minhu .. mushri'an fina mudahu
Say to the aggressor who insulted him (the Prophet), and proceeded skipping his limits

هل يضر الشمس شيئاً .. أقزم تبّت يداه
hal yadurru al-shams shay'an .. aqzamun tabbat yadahu
Does it harm the sun at all, the insults of a little dwarf

أقزم تبّت يداه
aqzam tabbat yadahu
by the insults of a little dwarf

حاربوه يا عداه .. كلنا اليوم فداه
haribuhu ya 'idahu .. kulluna al-yawma fidahu
"Fight him", O his enemies, all of us today are sacrificing for him

واسمعوا نبض قلوب .. يبلغ الكون صداه
wasma'u nabda qulubin .. yablugh al-kawn sadahu
And hear the beats of hearts, which, resonance reaches to the whole universe

ويح قوم خاصموه .. كيف غابوا عن هداه
wayha qawmin khasamuhu .. kayf ghabuu 'an hudahu
Woe to the people who are at odds with him, how they missed his guidance!

كيف نالوا من عزيز .. شاد مجداً وشداه
kayf naluu min eaziz .. shad mjdaan washaddah
How they insulted [the dearest], [he] who built the shiniest glories

أي روح وفؤاد .. ضمها منه رداه
'aya ruh wafuad .. damaha minh radaah
Which spirit and heart could be pleased with this enemy in insulting [him] ?

من ثرى مكة فـ .. ـاض النور يجتاز مداه
min tharaa makat f .. ad alnuwr yajtaz madah
From the land of Mecca, the light has overflowed and crossed its range

فاسألوا التاريخ يُنبِ .. كيف أبصرت نداه
fas'aluu alttarikh yunb .. kayf 'absarat nadah
So ask the history, it will rebuke how you saw [his] call !

بلغ البذل جميعاً .. وانتهى ثم إبتداه
balagh albadhl jmyeaan .. waintahaa thuma 'iibtadah
All the people tried hard, and failed, then [he] helped them to success

وانتهى ثم إبتداه
waintahaa thuma 'iibtdah
then [he] helped them to success

كانت الناس حيارى .. فاستبانوا بهداه
kanat alnaas hayaraa .. faistabanuu bihidah
All the people were confused, then they stabilized by his guidance

كانت الأفكار أسرى .. حرَّرتهن يداه
kanat al'afkar 'asraa .. hrarthn yadah
All the ideas were imprisoned, and got liberated by [his] hands

كل قلب كان قبراً .. ثم أحياه نداه
kulu qalb kan qbraan .. thuma 'ahyah nadaah
Each heart was a grave, and got revived by [his] call

قافلات النور سارت .. رحمة خلف حُداه
qafilat alnuwr sarat .. rahmatan khalf hudah
The convoys of light walked as a mercy behind [his] footsteps

Link to download the video

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