Monday 7 January 2019

Sanakhudu - আমরা জিহাদ চালিয়ে যাবই

Title: sanakhūdu ma'ārikanā ma'ahum (We will continue with jihad)
Album: Hayya ala'l Jihad 7 حي علي الجهاد
Munshid: Abu Ali أبو علي (موسى العميرة)

Lyrics and Translation

We will fight our battles with them
We are going to battle them

We will continue our jihad with them (the unbelievers)

And we will go on
crowds to deter them We are going in crowds to deter them

We'll be united to stop them

We return the rapist right and
return the usurped right

We'll bring back the land we took away

And with all the force pushing them
And with all might we push them

We will be deported to all the tyrannical forces

With the right weapon of the Patriot
with the cutting weapon of righteousness

With the tool of truth

We will liberate the land of freedom
We are going to liberate the land of the free

Leave a single piece of land to the Muslims

We return to Jerusalem and
return purity to al-Quds

We will bring back the holy Islam in al-Quds

After humiliation and The Naked
After humiliation and shame

Drop all our weaknesses and cowardice

And we will go Ndk their strongholds
We are going to shell their bases hard

We will lower their fortified fortress down

Badawi always worries them
with a mighty sound that always perplexes them

I will scare them fearfully

And Snmhawwa shame in our hands
And we will erase the disgrace with our hands

We will wipe ourselves off with our own hands

And with all force we
deter them And with all the might deter them

সব শক্তি দিয়ে সকল বাহিনীকে আমরা রুখে দিব

لن نرضى بجزء محتل
We will not accept a part that is occupied

আমরা কখনো আমাদের ভূমির এক অংশও নিতে দিব না

لن نترك شبرا للذل
We won't leave an inch to humiliation

আমাদেরকে অপমান করার জন্য এক ছোট ভুমিও তাদেরকে (কাফিরদেরকে) ছেড়ে দিব না

ستمور الارض و تحرقهم
The land will erupt and burn them

এই দুনিয়ায় (যুলুমের) আগ্নেয়গিরি যা অনবরত ফুটছে

في الارض براكين تغلي
In the land there are volcanoes that are boiling

সেই (আগ্নেয়গিরি) আগুনে দুনিয়া ফেটে বিদীর্ণ হয়ে যাবে এবং জ্বালিয়ে দেবে তাদেরকে (কাফিরদেরকে)

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HD 81 MB








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