Thursday 14 February 2019

I desire destruction ● Ana Ahwad Damar

Title: ana ahwad damar أنا أهوى الدمار
Year: 2008

A peculiarly zealous nasheed exulting direct confrontation and calling to bear its results of destruction and sorrow due to there being no escape of it. In a way, it argues that confrontation is imposed upon the Ummah through the endless military interventions and the support for tyrannical regimes insulting Islam and suppressing the believers. Thus, according to the lyrical I, there is no other option for the nation except to enter this harsh war and patiently consent to offer sacrifices that are an inevitable part of the great struggle

[archiveorg id=tabki-uyuni/ana-ahwad-damar.mp3 width=500 height=30]

Lyrics and Translation

نعم نعم أنا أهوى الدمار
أُسَرُّ إذا ما سَمعتُ انفجار
وتَعشَقُ عَينيَ لَونَ الدماء
وقَسوةَ قَلبي وعُنفي شعار

Yes, yes! I desire destruction!
I am delighted upon hearing an explosion
And my eye loves the colour of blood
and the stiffness of my heart. And my rigour is a badge.

ويسأل قومي لماذا تقاتل
لماذا تقاوم أتهوى الدمار
لماذا تُرَوِّعُ طِفلً صَغيرً
تُجَدِّدُ جُرحَ الشيوخ الكبار

My people ask, why do you fight?
Why do you resist? Do you desire destruction?
Why do you frighten a small child
and refresh the injury of the elders?

نعم نعم أنا أهوى الدمار
تعجلت لم احتمل انتظار
أتسبى نسائي ويطوى غدي
أتُسلب ارضي جهاراً نهار

Yes, yes! I desire destruction!
I hurried and did not bear to wait
Are my women being captivated, and my future starved?
Is my land being despoiled day and night?

وسنّة أحمد قد أهملت
وأمتنا ألبست ثوب عار
أيجد العداء راحةً في بلادي
أهدي العداء لذة الانتصار

The tradition of Ahmad has been neglected
And my nation has been worn the cloth of shame
Do the enemies find repose in my lands
Am I going to offer them the taste of victory?

نعم نعم أنا أهوى الدمار
إذا لم أجد لي سواه اختيار
فلا أمن إلا بـظل العقيدة
ولا غير قرآننا مستشار

Yes, yes! I do desire destruction!
When I do not find any other option
There is no security except under the shadow of creed
And there is no consultant except our Koran


  1. Hello. I like your translations. I would like to ask You if you could translate Some nasheeds in this link (specially my brother provides and security of the lions. Both are from Khaulan as-Sinani)
    Thank you

  2. Today one of them has been published. The title given in Jihadology is incorrect.


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