Friday 1 February 2019

Peace to you land of Afghans

Title: alayki minni salam ya arda afghani
Munshid: Abu Zubayr Al-Madani أبو الزبير المدني
Album: Hayya alal jihad 1 حي علي الجهاد
Year: <1990

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The nasheed is inspired by the Algerian national song "Alayki minni salam ya arda ajdadi / Peace to you oh land of my ancestors" (1963).

Lyrics and Translation

عليك مني سلام يا أرض أفغانِ
ففيك طاب المقام وطاب جهادي
وطاب رباطي

Peace to you from me, oh land of Afghans
For, in you my stay went well, and my Jihad went well
And my Ribat went well

أهوي عيون العسل أهوي سواقيها
أهوي ثلوج الجبل والكوكب الهادي

I miss the honey streams, I miss their flow
I miss the snows of the mountain, I miss the guiding full moon

أهوي حنين الدوشكا و البيئا ميد وزدار
أهوي رنين الرينوف ... والرشاش العادي

I miss the warmth of the Doskha* and the Bi-amid** and [...]
I miss the ringing of the ~Renov and the simple machine gun

عليك مني سلام يا أرض أفغانِ
ففيك طاب المقام وطاب جهادي
وطاب رباطي وطاب استشهادي

Peace to you from me, oh land of Afghans
For, in you my stay went well, and my Jihad went well
And my Ribat went well. And my martyrdom went well.

* DShK, Soviet heavy machine gun of 1938
** BM ... rocket launchers

See "List of military equipment used by the Mujahidin in Afghanistan" for more information.

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