Friday 24 May 2019

Allah is the Greatest and Most-Exalted

Title: Allahu A'la wa Akbar الله أعلي وأكبر
Munshid: Muhsin Ad-Dusari (Abu Abdulmalik)
Album: Al-Aseef الأسيف

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الله أعلى وأكبر
الله أقوى وأقدر

Allah is greater and the more exalted
Allah is stronger and more powerful

ممن عدا وتكبر
ممن بغى وتجبر

From those who do unjust and become haughty
From those who transgress and tyrannise

وبات بالله يكفر
وراح بالكفر يجهر

And come to disbelieve in Allah
Proclaiming and boasting with his disbelief

مستخدما كل منكر
وحاشدا كل عسكر

Using every evil
and mobilising every solider

فالله يملي وينذر
املاء غير مقصر

Allah decrees and warns
A decree that does not come short

وسوف يعلي ويظهر
جنوده غير مؤثر

And he will exalt and make prevail
his armies without an effort

عليهم أي منكر
من كل قوم ومعشر

Upon them may be every evil
From every nation and crowd

وسوف يحمي وينصر
وسوف يعطي ويظفر

But he is going to guard and assist
He is going to provide for and make victorious...

أتباع أكرم منذر
وخير داع مبشر

The followers of the most noble warner
And the most noble preacher and harbinger of glad tidings

كم قلة ليس تذكر
ربي رعاها وكثّر

How many a minority that is not worth a mention
My Lord has guarded and multiplied

في ظل كل مظفر
قامت تنادي وتجهر

In the shade of every victory conferred
He stood calling and proclaiming

بدينها وتذكر
بربها وتؤزر

his religion, and glorifying
his Lord and embracing

نبيها حيث يأمر
بالمال والنفس تنصر

His prophet whatever he orders
With his wealth and sole, he is victorious

وفي المَكاريه تصبر
حتى أتاها المبشر

At afflictions he shows patience
Until the glad tiding reaches him

فقال يا عبد أبشر
ويا مبلغ كبر

He said, 'oh my servant rejoice!'
'And shout Takbir every notifier!'

ونادي في كل معشر
رأس البغاة تكسر

And call at every gathering;
'The head of transgression has been smashed'

والفتح كالسيل يهدر
وفي الممالك يعبر

Conquest is pealing like a flood
In the kingdoms it is mentioned

والدين في الأرض يزهر
أنعم بنصر مؤزر

The religion blossoms on earth
Rejoice with a decisive victory

للمسلمين تخدر
قضاه ربي وقدر

A guarding cover for the Muslims
My Lord decrees it and destines

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