Thursday 11 July 2019

Amsat Ma'anin Nasri min Kalimati

Title: amsat ma'anin nasri min kalimati
Munshid: Abu Abdulmalik
Composition: Muhammad Al-Muqrin محمد المقرن

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Lyrics and Translation

أمست معاني النصر من كلماتي لأذب عن عرض الرسول بذاتي

The meanings of victory were softened by my words
so that I may defend the dignity of the Messenger with my self

أحمى الرسول بما ملكت منافحا بالشعر اكتبه على الورقات

I protect the Messenger with which I possess,
striking with the poem that I write on pages

البدر يسمو في السماء بعزة والشمس ساطعة بلا طاقات

The full moon rises in the sky with honour,
and the sun is glaring without power

والكلب ينبح لا يضر سماءنا والإفك سوف يصيبكم بثبات

And the dog is barking, though it does not disturb our sky
Then, the slander will hit you back in firmness

لا لن يضر نبينا بحديثكم بل زاد قدرا عالي الطبقات

Our Prophet is not harmed with your talk
rather he ascends in value on layers

يفدى النبي محمد كل الورى هو مرسل الرحمن بالآيات

Whole mankind is a sacrifice for Muhammad
he is the apostle of the All-Merciful [sent] with verses

نحرى بنحرك يا محمد إنني متلهف للقائكم بمماتي

My slaughter is by yours, oh Muhammad!
I am yearning to meet you with my death

عرضي بعرضك يا نبي مليكنا حان الوقوف لعرضكم بثبات

My honour is bound to yours, oh messenger of our King
Time has come to stand up for your honour in steadfastness

يا فرحة الدنيا المليئة حينما هل الحبيب وصاحب البركات

What joy of the full world when
the Beloved appears — the possessor of blessings

سقطت رماح الكفر عند قدومه واستبشرت في مجده أبيات

The spears of Disbelief have fallen at his arrival
and lines of poetry have brought glad tidings of his glory

فلربما غصن الأراك بلينه يثنى المبارز يسقط الرايات

Maybe the mustard tree would blossom due to his leniency
The combatant is dissuaded and the banners fall

ولربما موت الكريم مخوفا للقوم اثر وفاته بهبات

Maybe the death of the noble is scaring
for the people, as his abrupt passing way

ومؤكد سب الرسول يزيدنا حبا له ولديننا بحياة

Be ascertained, the insulting of the Prophet increases
our love for him and the religion by rejuvenation

هذا الحصاد وزرعكم هو شوكة زادت فؤادي للنبي صلات

This is the harvest and you have sewn it
It is a spike, my heart increased in sending prayers for the Prophet

فستعلمون بأننا من امة صلت على خير الأنام وساط

Finally you will get to know that we are a nation
that sends prayers to the most noble of mankind amongst them

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