Sunday 3 May 2020

Hattimu Zulm al-Layāli

Title: Hattimu Zulm al-Layali 
Munshid: various

[archiveorg id=Nasheed_with_English_translation_85/Hattimu%20Dhulm%20Alliyali.mp4 width=616 height=347]

Video source =


Lyrics and Translation

حطموا ظلـم الليـالي
Hattimu Zulm al-Layali
Smash the injustice of nights

واسبقوا ركب المعالي
wasbaquu rakb almueali
Go beyond the people in the summit

وابذلوا كل الغوالـي
wabdhuluu kla alghawalay
Sacrifice your precious belongings

وارفعوا دين محمد
warfaeuu din muhamad
Raise up the religion of Mohammad [PBUH]

لا تلينوا للأعــادي
la talinuu lil'aeadia
Don’t soften and give up to the enemies

لا تهـونوا للـعوادي
la thwnuu lilewadi
Don’t weaken to the hardships

أعلنـوا في كل نادي
'aealanu fi kl nadiin
Declare it everywhere in every place

أنكم صحب محمد
'anakum sihb muhamad
That you are the followers of Mohammad [PBUH]

أنتم نور الهدايـة
'antum nur alhudiay
You are the light of guidance

أنتم للحق رايـة
'antum lilhaqi riay
You are the flag of truth

حطموا قيد الغواية
hatamuu qayd alghawaya
Break the chains of temptations

وانشروا نور محمد
wanshuruu nur muhamad
And spread the light of Mohammad [PBUH]

إن تخاذلتم فشلـتم
'iina tukhadhiltum fashalatim
If you show weakness you will fail

أو تعاديتم خذلـتم
'aw taeadaytum khadhaltim
If you dispute and fight each other, you will fail

يا تلاميذ محمد
ya talamidh muhamad
O students of Mohammad [PBUH]

Link to download the video

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