Saturday 3 February 2018

Hajaral Ladhaidh ● He departed the pleasures

Nasheed: He departed the pleasures
Munshid: Abu Abdulmalik
Year: 2004

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[archiveorg Hajrall0 width=640 height=140 frameborder=0 webkitallowfullscreen=true mozallowfullscreen=true]

Arabic Lyrics

هاجر اللذائذ وانبرى *** ليثا في أدغال الشرى

باع الحياة رخيصة *** لله... واللهُ اشترى

لم تُغرِه الدنيا ولم *** يُثنِه ما حاك الورى

بل لبّى حي على الجهاد *** ومضى في أجفان السُرى

درب الشَّدائد عِشقُهُ٭٭ لم يسبِهِ عشق الكرى

قد عاف لين فِرَاشِهِ ٭٭ وغدا ليفترش الثرى

مُـــتَــــوَسِّــدٌ صخر العنا٭٭ مُـتَـجَـلِّــدًا مُــتَــصَـــبِّـــرا

أغرته لذَّات الهوى٭٭ فأبى بأن يتقهقرا

وتزيَّنت في وجهِهِ٭٭ فازداد عنها تَـنَـكُّرا

عشق الجنان وحورها٭٭ ورنا إليها فشمَّرا

ورأى الشهادة مُنيةً٭٭ والموت أسعد ما يرى

خاض الحروب بهمَّةٍ٭٭ مُـتَـوَثِّـبـــًا و مُـكَـبِّـرا

كم قد أحال بغزوِهِ٭٭ ليل الأعادي مِجْمَرا

مُـتَـخَنْدِقٌ في ثغرِهِ ٭٭ يقضان يأسر من ضرا

مُتَوثِّبٌ في عزمِهِ ٭٭ لم يلتفتْ يومـًا ورا

ما ذاق طعم الذُّلِّ لا ٭٭ كالنسر في شُمِّ الذُّرى

مُـتَلفِّــعٌ بسلاحِهِ٭٭ والعزم منه تَفَجَّرا

غاص الصعاب وهولها٭٭ ما هاب كفرًا أغبرى

يا رُبَّ ليلٍ لم يَذُقْ٭٭ فيه اللذيذَ من الكرى

أينامُ في لذَّاتِهِ٭٭ والكفر بالحقد انبرى؟!

حشدت له أعداؤُهُ٭٭ ويقينُهُ صلب العرى

ضاقت به أيامُهُ٭٭ والقلب منه استبشرا

أَنَّـتْ لَهُ أقدامُهُ٭٭ وبكتْ إليهِ تَـفَـطُّرا

وشكتْ لَهُ أطرا فُهُ٭٭ يكفي أسىً وتَـصَبُّـرا

فأجابها مُـتَـجَـلِّـدًا : قد ٭٭ بِعْتُ والله اشترى

Englsh Translation

He departed the pleasures and turned into
a lion in the bushes of the mountain lair

He sold the life cheaply
to Allah... and Allah purchased

The world did not deceive him nor
deceived him what others narrated of

Rather he answered [the call of] "Hurry to Jihad"
So he set out to the midst of the night journey

The path of toughness, its love
did not relinquish him from the love of sleep [death]

He left the comfort of his bed
to be circulating the battle grounds

Resting upon the rock of distress
Getting strong and patient

The pleasures of the desire tried to deceive
but he resisted until they receded

It adorned in his face
so his dislike for those increased

He loved the paradise and its maidens
and gazed to it, so they rose up [to him]

He considered martyrdom to be a blessing
and death was the most joyous [thing] he saw

He conducted the wars with eagerness
leaping and shouting takbir

How many times turned with his raid
the night of the enemies into a boiling pot

Engraved in his ditch,
awake, he takes those who harmed as captives

Clothed in his fervor
he did not once incline to the world

He did not taste the food of disgrace, no
like a falcon in the lofty peaks

Covered with his weapon
while the boldness welled out of him

He dived into the hardships and its horrors
He did not fear a dingy disbelief

Perhaps [there was] a night he did not feed
thence a  debauchee of the sleep [death]

Shall he sleep in his pleasure,
while the disbelief has appeared with rancor?

His enemies /and his faith/ gathered for him
the increase of the bare

His days became tight for him
and the heart of him heralded

His feet groaned for him
and cried brokenly

His relatives complained to him:
It's enough of sorrow and having patience

He replied to them boldly:
I have sold, and Allah has purchased





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