Friday 9 March 2018

Islam has risen up ● Nahadal Islamu

Title: nahadal islamu
Munshid: al-Ansari

[archiveorg id=Anasheed-Monshed-aljihad/albawase-lNahad-Islam.mp3 width=500 height=30]

Arabic Lyrics and English Translation

ًنهضَ الإسلام يَـبغي ناصرا
Islam has rised, searching for a devotee

ْأمة تَرفع راياتِ الكِفاح
A nation that raises the banners of fight

ْفَبدا في أمتي الأسدُ كمَا تَنجَلي الأنوارُ في ضِوْءِ الصّباح
So the lions appeared in my nation
as beams of light diffuse in the morning

ْلَم نَجدْ غَير نِداءاتِ الوَغي و سِلاح يَتداعي لسلاح
We found but calls to war
and weapon calling upon weapon [to gather]

ْنهجُنا يسمو لأعلي قِمة يستمِدّ المجدَ مِن اكرَم راح
Our creed exceeds to the highest peak,
obtaining the glory from the most noble source

اقبلَ النصرُ يحيّـينا و لاحْ و بدا بُشري علي بيضِ السفاح
Victory approached greeting us and sparkled
and appeared as a glad tiding on the swords of the bloodthirsty

و لكَم شع علي امالنا عبِق الارجاءِ خفّاق الجناح
How much radiated it on our aims,
[it is of] scenting edges and flattering wing

ارفعِ الرأسَ تراهم انجمًا او تراهم مثل اعصارِ الرياح
Raise your head and you will see them stars
or you will see them like the violent wind

هل تري الاحرارَ في اوطانِنا انظرُ العزةَ اطرافِ الرماح
Do you see the free in our homelands?
Look at the dignified might on the tips of spears

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