Munshid: Abu Ali and Abu Abdulmalik, Ahmad al-Shaybani (Oman)
Composition: Syrian poet Omar Abu Risha (1910-1990) عمر أبو ريشة
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Arabic Lyrics
أمَّتي هَل لَك بَينَ الأمَمِ *** مِنبَرٌ لِلسَّيفِ أو لِلقَلَمِ
تَلَقّاكِ وَطَرفي مُطرِقٌ *** خَجَلاً مِن أمسِكِ المُنصَرِمِ
أينَ دُنياكِ الَّتي أوحَت إلى *** وَتَرى كُلَّ يَتيمِ النَّغَمِ ؟
أمَّتي كَم غُصَّةٍ دامِيَةٍ *** خَنَقَت نَجوىٰ عُلاكِ في فَمي
كَيفَ أغضَيتِ عَلى الذُّلِّ وَلَم *** تَنفُضي عَنكِ غُبارَ التُّهَمِ ؟
أوَ ما كُنتِ إذا البَغيُ اعَتَدىٰ *** مَوجَةً مِن لَهَبٍ أو دَمِ ؟
إسمَعي نَوحَ الحَزانىٰ واطرَبي *** وانظُري دَمعَ اليَتامى وابسُمي
أمَّتي كَم صَنمٍ مَجَّدتِهِ *** لَم يَكُن يَحمِلُ طُهرَ الصََنَمِ
أيُها الجُندِيُّ يا كَبشَ الِفدا *** يا شُعاعَ الأملِ المُبتَسِمِ
ما عَرفتِ البُخلَ بالروحِ إذا *** طَلبَتها غُصَصِ المَجدِ الظَّمي
English Translation
My nation, is there for you between the nations
any pulpit for sword or pen?
I observe you, my gaze being quite
out of shame in front of your bygone past
Where is your life which revealed to
my bowstring every orphan of melody
My nation, how much bleeding sorrow,
did choke secret talks on your loftiness into my mouth
How did you overlook the disgrace and did not
stir up the dusts of accusation off yourself
Where you not, when the aggression transgressed
a tide of flames or blood?
Listen to the wailing of the sad and delight them
And look to the tears of the orphans and smile
My nation, how many idols did you glorify,
which in reality did not carry the purity of an idol
O soldier, oh bellwether of sacrifice
Oh heraldry of the smiling hope
You did not know any avarice towards the soul when
the incomplete parts of the subtle glory demanded it
[…] 4) Ummati Hal Laki / My nation… […]