Thursday 18 April 2019

Levant of Honour ● Sham Al-Karamah

Title: sham al-karamah (Levant of Honour) شام الكرامة
Munshid: Abu Hajar Al-Hadrami أبو هاجر الحضرمي
Year: 2013 / ١٤٣٤

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Lyrics and Translation

شام الكرامة والإباء يا مسلمون تَوَثّبا

Levant of honour and defiance
Oh Muslims rise up!

خاض الوَغى في عزة بسلاحه متأهبّا

He plunged into the field of war with might
girded with his weapon ready to fight

قد هبّ يثأر للهدى ويردّ عادِية العِدا

He has risen up avenging for Guidance
repelling the aggression of the enemy

فآستبشري يا أمتي فجر الشريعة قد بدا

Glad tidings oh my nation
the dawn of Sharia has appeared

هذي الكتائب للعلا سارت تزمجرفي الملا

These battalions have marched to the heights
roaring to the elites

بشارُ أبشِر إنني قسما أراك مُجندَلا

Be notified oh Bashar
Verily I see you defeated

بالشام آساد الشرى هجروا اللذائذ والكرى

In the Levant there are lions of warfare
They have departed the pleasures and slumber

أنِفوا حياةَ الذُل وانتَفضوا كخالدَ والبَرا

They spurned the life of humiliation
and rose up like Khalid and Al-Bara

الله اكبر زَلزِلي عرشَ المَجوس وجَلجِلي

Allah is the Greatest! Tremble
the throne of the Zoroastrians and shake

هبّت رياحُ النصر يا ليل الهوان ستَنجَلي

Winds of victory have blown
Oh night of disgrace you will wane away

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