Title: Damdim A'alayha Rabbana / دمدم عليها ربنا (Oh our God, inflict it)
Munshid: Abu Ali – أبو علي موسي العميرة
[archiveorg id=Nasheed_with_English_translation_36/Damdim%20A%27alayha%20Rabbana.mp4 width=616 height=347]
Video source = https://archive.org/search.php?query=qhuraba
Lyrics and Translation
دمدم عليها ربنا رجز اليم
Damdim A'alayha Rabbana rijz 'alima
Oh our God, inflict it with destructive punishment
واجعل عُلاها ياقوي مثل الهشيم
wajeal eulaha yaqui mithl alhashim
Decimate it and turn it into ashes
رباه بطشك فانتقم منه الظلوم
rabah bitishk faintaqam minh alzulum
With your grip, oh God, crush the wicked
لم يقدرو وتجاهلوا قدر العظيم
lm yuqdiru watajahaluu qadr aleazim
Ungrateful and neglecting they were to you
فاضرب بسوطك ياعزيز اسقي الحميم
fadrib bisutik yaeiziz asqi alhamim
Strike them, almighty, hell is hungry again
يامن تسموا بالهدى دين قويم
yaman tasamuu bialhudaa din qawim
You, followers of the true straight religion
يامن تداعوا نهجُنا ذكر حيكم
yaman tdaeau nhjuna dhakar hayakum
Who carry our holy Qorun as your vision
يامن تلوه واسبلوا دمع سجيم
yaman taluh wasbiluu dame sajim
Who shed tears as they read and recite
قرآنكم فيه المصاب وداء جسيم
quranakum fih almusab wada' jasim
Your Qorun is experiencing it is in a fight
قد دنسوه برجسهم فعل الاديم
qad danasuh birijsihim faeal aladym
With boastfulness, it was violated
نطق الاله وقوله وحي كريم
ntiq al'ilh waquluh wahyun karim
The holy word of God, the divine revelation
ماهان قدرا إنما هان الذميم
mahan qadrana 'iinama han aldhamim
Cannot insult the greatness, they try with evil dedication
اني انادي والاسى يحيي الهموم
'iiniy anady walasa yuhyi alhumum
I am calling while my grief awakens the pain
يا امتي يكفي السبات يكفي الوجوم
ya amti yakfi alsibat yakfi alwujum
Oh my people, enough humility, enough despair !
قوموا فقد بلغ الزباد سيلٌ هدوم
qumuu faqad balagh alzubad syl hudum
Rise up, our concerns have become a damaging hurricane
اين الحميه مالها اعيت تقوم
'ayn alhamiyuh maliha aeyt taqum
Where is your zeal ? it seems vain
يا للمذله والهوان فينا يسيم
ya lilmadhlih walhawan fina yasim
Oh is there only abjectness and shame ?
لا لن يدوم لهم امان لن يدوم
la ln yadum lahum aman ln yadum
No, never ! they will enjoy this peace no longer
فلتلهيهم اعمالهم تيه وهيم
faltalhiahum 'aemalahum tih wahim
Let them be distracted by what they do …
فالنصر آتي لا محال قسم قدوم
falnasr ati la muhal qism qudum
Our victory will undoubtedly come, we know
Link to download the video https://archive.org/details/Nasheed_with_English_translation_36
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