Tuesday 21 April 2020

Filistinu Tunadikum

Title: Filistinu Tunadikum / فلسطين تناديكم (Palestine is calling you)
Munshid: Muhsin Ad-Dusari (Abu Abdulmalik)

[archiveorg id=Nasheed_with_English_translation_39/Felestine%20Tonadikom.mp4 width=616 height=347]

Video source = https://archive.org/search.php?query=qhuraba


Lyrics and Translation

فلسطين تناديكم بصيحات جهادية
filastin tanadikum bisihat jihadia
Palestine is calling you it shouts for Jihadists / Jihad

فما في الدين من شك وما فيه حيادية
fama fi aldiyn min shakin wama fih hiadia
There is no doubt in religion and no neutralism

تناديكم تناديكم بصيحات جهادية
tanadikum tanadikum bisihat jihadia
It calls you, it shouts for Jihadists / Jihad

إله الكون أرساه له قط العبودية
'iilah alkawn 'arsah lah quta aleubudia
The God of the universe has established it to eliminate slavery

من النور من الذكر وما كانت بدائية
min alnuwr min aldhikr wama kanat bidayiyatan
From the light, from remembrance of Allaah and was not primitive

فهذه الحرب قد شنت علينا بلايهودية
fhdhh alharb qad shanat ealayna blayhwdy
This war has been waged against us from Yahud

تآذرها بأحقادٍ وعودٌ للصليبية
tadhiruha bahqad wewd lilsalibia
With malice and promises of the Crusade

هنا نار هنا مدفع هنا سحب رمادية
huna nar huna madfae huna sahb ramadia
Here is a fire here a cannon here is a gray clouds

فهبوا ويحكم هبوا فصيحاتي فدائية
fahabuu wayuhkum habuu fasihati fadayiyatan
Get ready, and hear my enthusiastic shouts

Link to download the video https://archive.org/details/Nasheed_with_English_translation_39

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