Tuesday 21 April 2020

Habbat Riyah al-Asifa

Title: Habbat Riyāḥh al-ʿĀṣifa / هبت رياح العاصفة (The Winds of Storm Have Blown)
Munshid: Muhammad al-Hussayan محمد الحسيّان
Album: Ya Waṭanī يا وطني

[archiveorg id=Nasheed_with_English_translation_7/Habat%20Riyah%20al-Asifa.mp4 width=616 height=347]

Video source = https://archive.org/search.php?query=qhuraba

This song celebrates the release of Kuwait from Iraqi occupation under Saddam Hussein in 1991, which was initiated through a US-led military campaign during the Second Gulf War dubbed "Operation Desert Storm" ('asifat al-sahra). Hence this chant is foremost serving a patriotic cause; that of Kuwait's independence. Indeed, it has been related that occupation forces have dealt harshly with the local population, showcasing pride and superiority. However, besides of the regional conflict between Iraq and Kuwait, the operation further caused global uproar among many Islamic movements, as it built on the stationing of infidel troops in the sacred soil of Arabia and entailed American military hegenomy in the Gulf region. [Yahya]

Lyrics and Translation

هبت رياح العاصفة
habat riah aleasifa
The winds of the storm has blown

على الأيادي الخاطفة
ealaa al'ayadi alkhatifa
On the unjust hands

واقتلعت جذورها
waqtalaet judhuruha
And uprooted them

مع السيول الجارفة
mae alsuyul aljarifa
With its heavy rain

اليوم ويل من بغى
alyawm wayl min bughana
Today is the day of torment for the oppressors

اليوم ذل من طغى
alyawm dhul min taghaa
Today is the day of humiliation the tyrants

اليوم يوم الإنتقام
alyawm yawm al'iintqam
Today is the day of revenge

منه في ساح الوغى
minh fi sah alwaghaa
Of them in the war arena

اليوم يوم الغضبة
alyawm yawm alghadaba
Today is the day of anger

اليوم يوم الوثبة
alyawm yawm alwathba
Today is the day of attack

فساعة الصفر أتت
fasaeat alsifr 'atat
The zero hour has come

لسحق تلك العصبة
lisahq tilk aleasaba
To crush that league

هبت رياح صرصر
habat riah sarsar
A roaring wind blew

عاتية تمزجر
eatiat tamzajar
Powerful , and snarls

تحالفت ووسطها
tahalafat wawastaha
Allied and its center

إعصارنا المدمر
'iiesaruna almudamir
Our devastating hurricane

سمائنا تلبدت
samayina talabadat
Our sky has been filled

بغيمها ورددت
bighimiha waradadat
with clouds , and repeated

نشيدنا غاضبة
nashiduna ghadiba
Our song angrily

فأبرقت وأرعدت
fa'abriqat wa'ureidat
Then it lighted and thundered

والأرض تحت الأرجل
wal'ard taht al'arjal
And the ground beneath the legs

غلت كغلي المرجل
ghulat kaghaly almurajil
yielded like a boiler

فثار بركان الثرى
fathar burkan altharaa
The volcano erupted

يحصدهم كالمنجل
yahsuduhum kalmunajal
and harvested them like a sickle

ومن دمانا هدرت
wamin damana hadarat
From our blood,

سيولنا وانحدرت
suyuluna wanhadarat
our floods descended

تسحقهم كأنها
tashaquhum ka'anaha
Crushing them like

قنبلة وانفجرت
qunbulat wainfajarat
An exploding bomb

والبحر جاء بالمدد
walbahr ja' bialmudad
The sea has come to help

يقود موج البحر مد
yaqud mawj albahr mada
With its tide leading the waves

يقصفهم بموجه
yuqsifuhum bimawjih
And hits them with its waves

فموجه بلا عدد
fmwjh bila eadad
Its waves are infinite

فرَّ الغزاة الكفرة
frr alghazat alkafara
The disbelievers have fled

كالحمر المستنفرة
kalhumr almustanfira
As if they were affrighted asses

لكنما المقلاع قد
lakunama almiqlae qad
But the slingshot has

ودعهم بالمجزرة
wadaeahum bialmujzira
Farewelled them with a massacre

بلادنا تحررت
biladina tahararat
Our country have been freed

قيودنا تكسرت
quyuduna taksirat
Our chains have been broken

أفواهنا صادحة
'afwahuna sadiha
Our mouths are sincerely

قد هللت وكبرت
qad halalat wakubirat

شمس الكويت‎ اشرقت وفي سمائنا ارتقت
shams alkuayta‎ ashraqat wafi samayina airtaqat
The sun of Kuwait shone , and rose in our sky

ورفرفت رايتنا حيث الطيور حلقت
warafrifat rayatuna hayth altuyur huliqat
And, our flag flew, where the birds flew

هب النسيم ناعماً داعب ثغراً باسماً
hab alnasim naemaan daeib thghraan basmaan
A soft breeze has blown , and played with a smiley cheek

ثغر الكويت‎ بعدما داهم لصاً غاشماً
thughuru alkuayta‎ baedama dahim lsaan ghashmaan
The mouth of Kuwait raided a brute thief

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