Title: Kabbar Allaha wa Saddad / كبر الله و سدد (He said Allahu Akbar and aimed)
Munshid: Unknown
[archiveorg id=Nasheed_with_English_translation_75/Kabar%20Allaah%20Wa%20Saddad.mp4 width=616 height=347]
Video source = https://archive.org/search.php?query=qhuraba
Lyrics and Translation
شامخ كالصقر لا يخشى الخطر
shamikh kalsuqr la yakhshaa alkhatar
Standing tall like a falcon fearing no danger
عينه برق و كفاه مطر
eaynuh bariq w kafaah mtr
His eyes are lightning and his hands are rain
يقنص الغاصب يصليه صقر
yuqnis alghasib yuslih saqr
Sniping the usurper sending him to hell
يالِ قناصٍ ببغداد اشتهر
yal qnas bibaghdad ashthr
Oh, the famous sniper of Baghdad
كبر الله و سدد
kabbar allaha wa saddad
He said Allahu Akbar and aimed
الله الله أكبر
allah allah 'akbar
Allaah Allahu Akbar
مسلم شهم موحد
muslim shahm muahad
A Moslem gentleman believing in one god
مقبل لم يتردد
muqbil lm yataradad
Advancing with no hesitation
فهو من جند محمد
fahu min jund muhamad
He is a soldier of Mohammad (SAW)
غامض كالليث يسعى للقصاص
ghamid kallayth yaseaa lilqasas
Mysterious like a lion, seeks retribution
للعلوج الكفر يصليها الرصاص
lileuluj alkufr yusliha alrasas
For the brute disbelievers , hitting them with bullets
قد رأى في نصرة الدين الخلاص
qad ra'aa fi nasrat aldiyn alkhalas
He saw salvation in the victory of religion
و بطاغوت لأمريكا كفر
w bataghut li'amrika kufir
And disbelieved in the tyranny of America
واثق بالله و النصر المبين
wathiq biallah w alnasr almubin
Confident in Allaah and the coming victory
و لغير الله لم يحني الجبين
w lighayr allah lm yahni aljabiyn
And he bows his head for none but Allah
قرع الكفر بعزم لا يلين
qarae alkufr bieizm la yalin
Hammering unbelief with unrelenting determination
و لدين و لأعراض ثأر !
w ladayn w li'aerad thu'ar !
Vengeance for his religion and honor !
ما أقر الذل يوما للغزاة
ma 'aqara aldhula yawmaan lilghaza
Never admitting humiliation to the invaders
و مضى في الدرب في ركب الدعاة
w madaa fi aldarb fi rukb alduea
Going down the path of the preachers
مثل سعد عندنا اليوم رماة
mathal saed eindana alyawm rama
Like Saad, today we have archers
زلزلوا الكفر فولى و ازدجر
zulziluu alkufr fawlaa w azdajar
Shaken the disbelievers, so they ran and hid
في سبيل الله قد خاض الغمار
fi sabil allah qad khad alghamar
For the sake of Allaah, he fought
ورأى الصمت أمام الظلم عار
wara'aa alsamt 'amam alzulm ear
And saw the silence naked Infront of injustice
حمل القنَاص كي يحمي الذمار
hamal alqnas kay yahmi aldhimar
Carried his sniper to defend home and family
ورمى الغاصب ناراً وشظر .. ناراً وشظر
waramaa alghasib naraan washazar .. naraan washazar
And threw the usurper with fire and flames… fire and flames
Link to download the video https://archive.org/details/Nasheed_with_English_translation_75
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