Wednesday 22 April 2020

Kulana Wallah Yashhad

Title: Kulana Wallah Yashhad / كلنا والله يشهد (We all go, and Allaah is the witness)
Munshid: أبو ريان – Abu Ryan

[archiveorg id=Nasheed_with_English_translation_62/Kulana%20Wallah%20Yashhad.mp4 width=616 height=347]

Video source =

Lyrics and Translation

كلنا والله يشهد نفتدي النبي أحمد .. مهما أرغى مهما أزبد
klna wallah yashhad naftadi alnabia 'ahmad .. mahma 'arghaa mahma 'azbad
We all go, and Allaah is the witness, in love for the Prophet Ahmad (another name for the Prophet Mohammad PBUH) … no matter how much an evil person

ناعق يهجو محمد
naeiq yahju muhamad
would curse Mohammad

رحمة للناس أرسل .. أكرم الأخلاق يحمل.. يا إله الحق زلزل ..كل
rahmat lilnaas 'ursil .. 'ukrim al'akhlaq yhml.. ya 'iilah alhaqu zulzul ..kil
Mercy sent to the people…carrying the best of manner…O. Allaah send a tremor…to

من سب محمد
min sabin muhamad
whoever cursed Mohamed

خير خلق الله لاشك.. حبه يعني ولائك.. ربي دمر ربي دكدك.. كل
khayr khalaq allah lashka.. hubih yaeni walayika.. rabiy damar rabiy dakadaka.. klun
No doubt, the best ever created…loving him means loyalty…my God destroy and demolish…to

من نال محمد
min nal muhamad
whoever satire Mohammad

يا إله العالمين إملأ القلب يقينا ..كن ناصراً ومعينا ..من يذب عن
ya 'iilah alealamin 'iimla alqalb yaqinana ..kin nasraan wamueinana yudhabu ean
Oh God of the worlds, fill the heart with certainty…be supportive and helping…whoever fends for


ربنا فأجزي نبينا.. بالهدى جاء إلينا.. أرضنا وأرض علينا
rabana fa'ajzi nabina.. bialhudana ja' 'iilayna.. 'ardina wa'arda ealayna
Oh God, reward our Prophet…with guidance he came to us…bless us and be satisfied with us

بإتباع الهادي أحمد ..بإتباع الهادي أحمد.. بإتباع الهادي أحمد
b'itbae alhadi 'ahmad ..b'itbae alhadi ahmd.. b'itbae alhadi 'ahmad
By following the guide, Ahmad. By following the guide, Ahmad. By following the guide, Ahmad

Link to download the video

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