Tuesday 21 April 2020

Ma Qowme Ahrare ● We are the freemen

Title: Ma Qowme Ahrare / ما قوم احراريم (We are the freemen)
Munshid: Unknown

[archiveorg id=Nasheed_with_English_translation_51/Ma%20Qowme%20Ahrare.mp4 width=616 height=347]

Video source = https://archive.org/search.php?query=qhuraba

Lyrics and Translation

ما قوم احراريم، از دين مسلمانيم
ma qwm ahrarym, az dyn mslmanym
We are the freemen, we are Moslems

ما لشكر اسلام، پایبند قرآنيم
ma lshkr aslam, peaabnd qranym
We, the army of Eslaam, are bound by the Ghoraan

ما از بهر اسلام خون بدن ريختيم
ma az bhr aslam khwn bdn rykhtym
We shed our blood for the sake of Eslaam

ما دام استثمار از بيخ و بُن كنديم
ma dam astthmar az bykh w bun kndym
We unrooted exploitation trap

مردانه رزميديم و ما مردانه جنگيديم
mrdanh rzmydym w ma mrdanh jnguydym
We fought bravely, and we battled manly

بيگانگان را ما از اين كشور بيرون رانديم
byguanguan ra ma az ayn kshwr byrwn randym
We expelled aliens from this country

هست لايق تقدير عزم متين ما
hst layq tqdyr 'ezm mtyn ma
Our dignified determination deserves recognition

شرمنده شد طاغوت در سرزمين ما
shrmndh shd taghwt dr srzmyn ma
Oppressors were ashamed in our land

ماييم و اسقلال و آزادي قرين ما
mayym w asqlal w azady qryn ma
We are independent and allied with freedom

شاد باش بر اوراق تاريخي وزين ما
shad bash br awraq tarykhy wzyn ma
Rejoice at our sober historical papers

ما هر دم آزاديم از يوغ و بردگي
ma hr dm azadym az ywgh w brdguy
We are always free from yoke and slavery

سرشاريم و مَستيم با عشق الهي
srsharym w mَstym ba 'eshq alhy
We are full and alive with divine love

پيروز و كامرانيم و در ميدان سربازيم
peyrwz w kamranym w dr mydan srbazym
Victorious and proud, we are soldiers in the field

دشمن شكنيم ما با اتحاد و همرنگي
dshmn shknym ma ba athad w hmrnguy
Destroying the enemy with unity and solidarity

ما حاميان دين هستيم و نيك فرجام
ma hamyan dyn hstym w nyk frjam
We are supporters of the religion and ending well

ما جان نثار كرديم از گوهر اسلام
ma jan nthar krdym az guwhr aslam
We have sacrificed our lives for the essence of Eslaam

ما پيرو قرآنيم و نيك نام و نيك انجام
ma peyrw qranym w nyk nam w nyk anjam
We follow the Ghoraan ; we are honored and do well

ما فاتح هر سنگريم و لايق انعام
ma fath hr sngurym w layq an'eam
We are the conquerors of every trench and deserve the rewards

ما قوم احراريم، از دين مسلمانيم
ma qwm ahrarym, az dyn mslmanym
We are the freemen, we are Moslems

ما لشكر اسلام، پایبند قرآنيم
ma lshkr aslam, peaabnd qranym
We, the army of Eslaam, are bound by the Ghoraan

Link to download the video https://archive.org/details/Nasheed_with_English_translation_51

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