Title: Ya Akhuya Qum / يا خوي قوم (My brother, rise up)
Munshid: أبو مسلم (Abu Muslim) & أبو فارس (Abu Faris)
[archiveorg id=Nasheed_with_English_translation_47/Ya%20Akhuya%20Qom.mp4 width=616 height=347]
Video source = https://archive.org/search.php?query=qhuraba
Lyrics and Translation
يا خوي قوم واركب جوادك واستبق * وشل نفسك لميادين القتال
ya khawia qawm warkib jawadik waistabaq * washala nafsak limayadin alqital
My brother, rise up and ride your horse and go in speed * And take yourself to the cities of fighting
العز في ساح الجهاد يللا إلحق * لا تقول أهلي وربعي والعيال
aleazu fi sah aljhad ylilaan 'ilhq * la taqul 'ahli warabey waleial
Glory is in the fields of Jihad, go in speed * Don’t say “my parents and my friends and my children”
الموت لا ترهبه دام الموت حق * والكل بيلقى نصيبه بالكمال
almawt la tarhabuh dam almawt haqun * walkulu bialaqaa nasibuh bialkamal
Death never terrorises him, death is truth * And everyone will get his share of perfection
أهل العراق يا بوي هم تحت المدق * يضرب عليهم بالصواريخ الثقال
'ahl aleiraq ya baway hum taht almidaqi * yadrib ealayhim bialsawarikh althiqal
The people of Iraaq, my father, are under tyranny * They are being struck by heavy missiles
القتل زاد والظلم مفروش السلق * والعلج يدحق عامود هالتلال
alqatl zad walzulm mfrwsh alsilq * waleilj yadhaq eamud haltlal
Murder has increased and oppression is spread like boiling water * And the cure pushes the pillar of these hills
والمسلمين اليوم كل واحد بشق * حد طلع قسمه وحدهم لا يزال
walmuslimin alyawm klu wahid bishiqin * had tale qasmah wahdahum la yazal
Every Moslem today tears * The edge of his sword is a cutting edge, and the edge of their swords cannot cut
حد طلع قسمه وحدهم لا يزال
had tale qasmah wahdahum la yazal
The edge of his sword is a cutting edge, and the edge of their swords cannot cut
يا خوي قوم واركب جوادك واستبق * وشل نفسك لميادين القتال
ya khawia qawm warkib jawadik waistabaq * washala nafsak limayadin alqital
My brother, rise and ride your horse and go in speed * And take yourself to the cities of fighting
العز في ساح الجهاد يللا إلحق * لا تقول أهلي وربعي والعيال
aleazu fi sah aljhad ylilaan 'ilhq * la taqul 'ahli warabey waleial
Glory is in the fields of Jihaad, go in speed * Don’t say “my parents and my friends and my children”
لكن أهل العز بارقهم برق * لقن جيوش الكفر أنواع النكال
lkn 'ahl aleazi bariqahum bariqin * laqan juyush alkufr 'anwae alnakal
But the light of the people of glory is bright * Teach the armies of disbelief the types of punishment
دقوا مخابي البطش والطغيان دق * ورمى ديار الظلم خلوها رمال
daquu mukhabi albatash waltaghyan daqun * waramaa diar alzulm khaluwha rimal
Strike the hiding places of the violent and transgressors powerfully * Fire at the homes of oppression, turn it into dust
من كل عاشق للشهادة وامتشق * سيفه وقال اليوم للدنيا مقال
min kl eashiq lilshahadat wamtashaq * sayfah waqal alyawm lildunya maqal
Everyone who loves martyrdom carries- * -his sword and says to the world:
نحن رجال الموت لو وافاه حق * بصدرونا نرويه لو قل الرجال
nahn rijal almawt law wafah haqun * bisadruna nurwih law qul alrijal
“We are the men of death, if we are right * We repeat it in our chests if the men were few”
بصدرونا نرويه لو قل الرجال
bisadruna nurwih law qul alrijal
"We repeat it in our chests if the men were few"
يا خوي قوم واركب جوادك واستبق * وشل نفسك لميادين القتال
ya khawia qawm warkib jawadik waistabaq * washala nafsak limayadin alqital
My brother, rise and ride your horse and go in speed * And take yourself to the cities of fighting
العز في ساح الجهاد يللا إلحق * لا تقول أهلي وربعي والعيال
aleazu fi sah aljhad ylilaan 'ilhq * la taqul 'ahli warabey waleial
Glory is in the fields of Jihad, go in speed * Don’t say “my parents and my friends and my children”
لا تقول أهلي وربعي والعيال
la taqul 'ahli warabey waleial
Don’t say “my parents and my friends and my children”
Link to download the video https://archive.org/details/Nasheed_with_English_translation_47
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