Tuesday 21 April 2020

Mahum Bi Ummati Ahmadin

Title: Mahum Bi Ummati Ahmadin / ماهم بأمة احمد (They are not from Ahmad's PBUH nation)
Munshid: Abu Ali – أبو علي موسي العميرة 

[archiveorg id=Nasheed_with_English_translation_46/Mahum%20Bi%20Ummati%20Ahmadin.mp4 width=616 height=347]

Video source = https://archive.org/search.php?query=qhuraba


Lyrics and Translation

ما هم بأمة احمد لا والذي فطر السماء
maa hum bi'umat 'ahmad la waladhi fatar alsama'
They are not from Mohammad's (PBUH) nation by God who created the sky !

ما هم بأمة خير خلق الله بدأ وانتهاء
maa hum bi'umat khayr khalaq allah badaan waintiha'
they are not from the best creation of the God nation

ما هم بامة سيدي حاشا فليسوا الاكفياء
maa hum bamt sayidi hasha falisu alakfia'
they are not from the nation of the noble, they are not qualified

ما هم بامة من على الافلاك قد ركز اللواء
maa hum bamt min ealaa alaflak qad rakaz alliwa'
they are not from the nation who put the flag (of Islam) above the hills

من حطم الاصنام من ارسى العدالة والاخاء؟؟
min hatam al'asnam min arsa aleadalat walakha'??
who broke the idols and establish the justice and brotherhood

من اسمع الدنيا حداء المجد فاشتعلت حداء؟؟
min 'asmae aldunya hada' almjd faishtaealt hda'??
who showed all the world what glory is so they followed

من قاد قافلة السلام؟؟؟
min qad qafilat alsalama???
who lead the peace (convoy) caravan

وفجر الصحراء ماء؟؟
wafajar alsahra' ma'??
and took out the water from the desert

واستمطر التاريخ فانهمرت سحائبه ثراء؟؟
waistamtir alttarikh fainhamarat sahayibuh thara'a??
and made the history rain then it's skies fell with wealth

وغزا الظلام وجاء بالحق المنور حين جاء؟؟
waghazaa alzalam waja' bialhaqi almunur hin ja'a??
and overrun the darkness and came with the truth when he (PBUH) came

لم يفقهوا بدرا ولا امت ركائبهم حراء؟؟
lm yafqahuu badrana wala amt rakayibahum haraa'a??
they don't understand Badr and their vehicles don't reach Hirra'a

لم يقرؤوا سعدا وسيف الله ما فهموا البراء
lm yaqrawuu saedana wasayf allah ma fahamuu albara'
they don't read about Saad and Saifullah (God's sword) and don't understand el-Baraa

شيع واحزاب تضل فلا ائتلاف ولا لقاء
shiae wa'ahzab tadilu fala aitilaf wala liqa'
Parties and groups who are lost, there is no alliance and agreement

هى امة لكن ومعذرا لمن رفع الغطاء
haa 'umat lkna wamuedhirana liman rafe alghita'
it’s a nation but pardon to whoever uncovered it

هى امة ويكاد يحسبها المصور مومياء
haa 'umat wayukad yahsubuha almusawir mawmia'
it’s a nation the photographer figures it a mummy

اني احار بهؤلاء !! احار نهجا وانتماء !!
'iiniy ahar bihuala' !! ahar nahjaan waintima' !!
I am puzzled about them I am confused about what they follow or belong to

هذا الى صنم يطيف به وذا عبد النساء
hadha 'iilaa sanm yutif bih wadha eabd alnisa'
one goes worships an idol, the other worships women

وهناك من ظن الرياء براعة فغلا رياء
wahunak min zani alriya' baraeat faghalaan ria'
and one thought that the adulation is cleverness, he continues in this

والمال الهة فقدسه وكان له الفداء
walmal alihat faqadasah wakan lah alfada'
and one thought money is God, he sanctified it so he took it as redeemer

اني احار بهم وقد ساغوا التراشق والبذاء
'iiniy ahar bihim waqad saghuu altarashuq walbidha'
I am confused about them, they accepted obscenity and cursing

وحنوا رقابهم فلم تشكوا الهوان والانحناء
wahanuu riqabahum falam tashkuu alhawan walanhina'
they deflected their necks, they don’t complain from humiliation and curvature

اني احار بهم وقد امست جموعهم غثاء
'iiniy ahar bihim waqad amasat jumueuhum ghutha'
I am puzzled, despite of their numbers they became as noting (worthless)

يتناطحون تناطح الاكباش تلتهم الغذاء
yatanatahun tanatuh alakbash taltahim alghidha'
they fight like sheep when they eat

ويقاتلون عن الرذيلة يرخصون له الدماء
wayuqatilun ean alradhilat yarkhusun lah aldima'
they fight for vice, they license the blood for it

ويحز بعضهم رقاب البعض شوقا واشتهاء
wayahiz bedhm riqab albaed shuqaan waishtiha'
and some of them kill the others for fantasy

فنظر الى مزق اللحوم ترى العجاب ترى البلاء
fanazar 'iilaa mizq alluhum taraa aleijab taraa albala'
look at the people killed, you will see wonders and trials

فنظر الى برك الدماء وايهم حقن الدماء ؟؟
fanazar 'iilaa birak aldima' wayham haqn aldima' ??
look at the pools of blood ! who from them tried to stop it ?

ويقاتلون عن الرذيلة يرخصون له الدماء
wayuqatilun ean alradhilat yarkhusun lah aldima'
they fight for vice, they license the blood for it

ويحز بعضهم رقاب البعض شوقا واشتهاء
wayahiz bedhm riqab albaed shuqaan waishtiha'
and some of them kill the others for fantasy

Link to download the video https://archive.org/details/Nasheed_with_English_translation_46

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