Monday 20 April 2020

Namdi Junuda

Title: Namdi Junuda / نمضي جنودا (We are walking as soldiers)
Munshid: Abdullah al-Kandarī – عبدالله الكندري

[archiveorg id=Nasheed_with_English_translation_33/Namdi%20Junuda.mp4 width=616 height=347]

Video source =

Lyrics and Translation

نمضي جنودا نجوب الوهاد نمضي أسودا لا نخشى الوغاد
namdi junudanaan najub alwahad namdi 'aswdaan la nakhshaa alwaghad
We are walking as warriors into the plains .. we are walking like lions and never afraid of villains

نمضي جنودا…..نمضي أسودا
namdi junudana…..nimudi 'asuda
we are walking as soldiers .. we are walking as lions

وأرض الإباء الباغي عداها حتى دوى مدفع الحق قضاء
wa'ard al'iiba' albaghi eadaha hataa dawaa madfae alhaqi qada'
and the aggressor assaulted the land of pride until the gun of right banged as destiny

حيوا حشودا…..للرب سجودا
hayuu hushudana…..llarab sajudanaan
appreciate the crowds .. they prostrate to God

بلادي تنادي للدين فداء فهب الجنود للسيف وفاء
biladi tunadi lildiyn fida'an fahab aljunud lilsayf wafa'
my country calls out for redemption of religion, the soldiers defended for the loyalty of sword

احمي حدودا…..حطم قيودا
ahmi hududana…..hatim quyudaan
save the borders … break the chains

والقلب الجريح يبكي دماء جهاد شعبي له دوماً دواء
walqalb aljarih yabki dima' jhad shaebiin lah dwmaan diwa'
the broken heart is bleeding ..the Jihad of my people is always the treatment

نمضي صعودا…..نحمي عهودا
namdi sueudana…..nahimi eahudana
we walk upwards… we save the covenants

Link to download the video

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