Tuesday 21 April 2020


Title: Sabbiheehim / صبحيهم (Go to them in the morning)
Munshid: Abu Osaid – أبو أسيد

[archiveorg id=Nasheed_with_English_translation_50/Sabbiheehim%20Ayqidheehim%20Wahkum%20al-Ithkhaan%20Feehim.mp4 width=616 height=347]

Video source = https://archive.org/search.php?query=qhuraba

Lyrics and Translation

صبحيهم أيقظيهم واحكمي الإثخان فيهم
Sabbiheehim Ayqidheehim Wahkum al-Ithkhaan Feehim
Go to them in the morning, wake them up and eliminate them

زلزليهم يا كتائب وانفضيهم كالرمــــــال
zulzilihim ya katayib wanfadayhim kalrmal
convulse them O battalions and shake them like sand

يا أسود الله سيروا واضربوا أعلى مثال
ya 'aswad allah siruu wadribuu 'aelaa mithal
O lions of Allaah go on and make the highest example

في قتال الكفر هيا واهزموا أهل الضلال
fi qital alkufr hayaa wahzamuu 'ahl aldalal
of fighting the unbelievers [deniers of the truth], go on and defeat them

اســــتعـــيـدي المـــــــجــد فــيـــــنا ـــــ فـــزمـــــــان الــــــــذل طــــــــــــال
astieyadi almajad fayna fazmaan aldhil tal
give us back our glory as the time of humiliation lasted long

واجـــــــــعلي الــتــــــاريخ يشــــدو ــــ ببــــطــــــــولات الـــــــــــــــــرجال
wajeily altarikh yashdu bibatawilat alrijal
and make the history chant about men's heroism

حطمي قيد أسير ذاق ألـوان النـكـــــــــــــــال
hatami qayd 'asir dhaq 'alwan alnakaal
smash a prisoner's handcuffs who has been tortured

لا تصمي السمع عنهم مثل أشباه الرجــــــال
la tasmi alsame eanhum mithl 'ashbah alrajal
don't act deaf fight them who are similar to men but not men

أشعلي الأرض سعيرا تحـت أقــدام الحـثـــال
'asheali al'ard saeirana taht 'aqdam alhthal
set earth on blazing fire under the worthless feet

جلجلي التكبير فيهم واســرجـي خيـل النضال
jaljuli altakbir fihim wasrijy khil alnidal
shake them with ALLAHU AKBAR and saddle struggling horses

إن نصر الله آت فاصبري عند النزال
'iina nasr allah at fasbiri eind alnizal
verily Allaah's victory is coming so be patient on battlefield

ذكرينا بزمان فيه كنا كالجبــال بزمان ليس حلما ليس طيفا من خيال
dhkryna bizaman fih kunaa kaljbal bizman lays hilmaan lays tayfaan min khial
remind us of a time when we were like mountains of a time that wasn't a dream or a vision

فيه سعد والمثنى وأسـيد وبلال
fih saed walmthna wa'asyid wabilal
on that time there were Saad, al-Muthanna, Osaid & Bilal !

فيه عَمروٌ ومعاذ فيــه ســيف اللــــه صـال
fih eamrw wamaeadh fayh syf allh sal
in it there is 'Amr and there is Mu'ath, and the sword of Allaah

أمة التوحيد قامت وكيـــــــــان الشرك زال
'umat altawhid qamat wakayan alshirk zal
the nation of monotheism rose and polytheism disappeared

وأعز الله جندا حكموا الدين فعـــــــــــــــال
wa'aeaz allah jundana hakamuu aldiyn faeaal
Allaah has honored the soldiers who fulfilled faith perfectly

جعلوا الحق كنانا وغدوا فيه نبــــــــــــــال
jaealuu alhaqa kanana waghadawa fih nabal
they made the truth as a quiver and they became its arrows

صبحيهم أيقظيهم واحكمي الإثخان فيهم
Sabbiheehim Ayqidheehim Wahkum al-Ithkhaan Feehim
Go to them in the morning, wake them up and eliminate them

زلزليهم يا كتائب وانفضيهم كالرمــــــال
zulzilihim ya katayib wanfadayhim kalrmal
convulse them O battalions and shake them like sand

Link to download the video https://archive.org/details/Nasheed_with_English_translation_50

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